Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ below addresses some of the most common queries about The IAFOR Undergraduate Research Symposium. If you are unable to find an answer to your question, please contact [email protected].

Abstract Submission

Basic Submission Questions

How do I submit a proposal for IURS?

You may submit an abstract for an individual poster presentation through our online submission system.

Can I co-present a paper?

Yes. However, each attending author must register for the symposium individually.

Are the deadlines firm?

Yes – please pay close attention to the dates and deadlines stated above and elsewhere on the IURS website.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend both days of the symposium. Should I submit a proposal anyway?

Please submit proposals only if you plan to attend both the online and onsite days. If you think you may not have time to attend, may not be able to finish a paper, or may not be able to get funding, consider waiting until the next IURS to submit your proposal. A lot of work goes into processing, reading, evaluating and scheduling every paper, so please be respectful of the time spent on this by the IURS Organising Committee, as well as by the IAFOR administrative office.

If I can’t attend the symposium, can someone else present my paper?

Yes – a listed co-author may present without you.

Abstract Acceptance

How are proposals assessed?

After your abstract is submitted online it will undergo review.

Why was my proposal rejected?

There are a number of reasons why a submission may be rejected. Your submission may:

  • be considered to contain unoriginal work;
  • not be relevant to the symposium in question;
  • have language and comprehension difficulties;
  • not be considered to meet the standards required for presentation.
Submission Changes

Can I substitute a different paper or change the title of my proposal after my paper has been accepted?

No. Your proposal was assessed and accepted based on its individual merits, and may not be substituted for a different paper following acceptance. If you would like to present another paper, please submit a separate abstract.

Schedule Requests

Can I request a day and time for my presentation?



Registration & Payment

How can I check the status of my registration payment?

The status of your registration payment can be checked through the online submission system. If you paid by PayPal you will receive an official receipt and confirmation or registration from a member of our admin team within 72 hours of payment. If you are a PayPal member you may log into your PayPal account to view details of your transaction.

I need an invoice

If you require an invoice, please contact [email protected], with “IURS Invoice Request” in the subject, stating the amount, your name, and submission reference number if applicable, and we will provide you with an invoice.

Can I get a refund?

If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, you must do so in writing by contacting [email protected]. Please see the IAFOR Online Store for cancellation deadlines and full terms and conditions.

How do I receive a receipt?

After your payment has been confirmed and processed by our Finance team you will receive an official receipt via email (attached as a PDF).


Poster Presentations

How long can my presentation be?

Poster presentations are held in 60-minute sessions in an open forum format involving multiple presenters.

What size should my poster be?

The poster display boards are 900mm wide x 1800mm high. Tape and pins are available from the Registration Desk. It is recommended that poster presenters use thin, lightweight poster paper. Each board will have pushpins and adhesive tape available for presenters to secure their poster.

Presenters are responsible for personally transporting their posters to the venue or mailing their posters to themselves at the hotel where they will be staying. We cannot print your poster for you, so please prepare your poster before the symposium.

What makes a good poster presentation?

Here is an excellent tutorial to help you prepare for your poster presentation:


IAFOR Conferences

What is IAFOR?

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) was founded in Nagoya, Japan, in 2009 as a research organisation, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational interaction and academic research. By creating opportunities for dialogue between academics and thought leaders, IAFOR has become a pioneer in providing the research avenues and visionary development solutions that are necessary in our rapidly emerging globalised world. Read more about IAFOR.

Who attends an IAFOR conference?

IAFOR conferences are a fantastic opportunity to hear the latest research, network, publish your work and engage in new ideas in an international and interdisciplinary environment. IAFOR’s events are attended by a wide range of people, including academics, researchers, professionals, education advisors, business leaders, students, and government and public sector representatives.